
In the global endeavor to make data accessible to all for free, this page contains data sets that we have collected or created over time.

Data for the three waves of a nationwide longitudinal survey collecting information about travel-related behaviors and attitudes before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey questions cover a wide range of topics including commuting, daily travel, air travel, working from home, online learning, shopping, and risk perception, along with attitudinal, socioeconomic, and demographic information. The data are weighted to be representative of national and regional demographics.

More information about the project can be found at

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Electricity, gas, and water consumption for large-scale buildings in New York City as well as land use data and socio-economics attributes for 2017. The original data and the data dictionary can be found here.

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The dataset combines: (1) data from the Chicago Energy Benchmarking Ordinance for 1,325 multifamily residential buildings, (2) demographic and socioeconomic data collected from the United States Census Bureau, and (3) building attribute data provided by the Chicago Building Footprint (CBF) data set.

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The Residential End Uses of Water (REU) 2016 study contains extensive household water-use information from 24 water utility companies across the United States and Canada. The REU database consists of four main data sets that come from two main sources: (1) household water use (e.g., 12 days of metered consumption) and billing information (e.g., annual water consumption) and (2) household survey response. The data initially comes from the Water Research FoundationResidential End Uses of Water, Version 2 survey.

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All 30,000+ abstracts and publication details used in the forum article “A text mining analysis of the climate change literature in industrial ecology” to analyze the literature for the Special Issue on Industrial Ecology for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience published in the Journal of Industrial Ecology. All abstracts were analyzed using the LiTCoF (Literature Topic Co-occurrence and Frequency) tool developed for that purpose that can be downloaded freely here.

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Urban road network data for 80 cities in the world, generated using the GISF2E ArcGIS tool on openstreetmap data. The entire data set is available permanently on figshare. If you are interested to contribute to the data set by running the tool on new cities and uploading your data on fig share, please contact us directly as

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Per capita public use water withdrawals for every county in the United States. The data includes the years 1985, 1990, 1995, and 2005. The original data can be downloaded directly from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) website. We also added the longitude and latitude of all county centroids.

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Road length data for the Chicago Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) using a ring buffer approach. Starting in the city center, where the road system is the densest, road lengths are measured in 1km concentric rings up to 100km. The data also contain ring area that excludes Lake Michigan and areas outside the MSA boundary.

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Adjacency matrices of 33 metros in the world. Only terminals and transfer stations are considered. Centrality of 15 metro networks in the world (on average and individual stations).

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