COVID Future Survey
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Get access to a free, large dataset that captures how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected how people travel and view risk in the US.
Through a joint effort between Arizona State University (ASU), the University of North Carolina (UNC), and the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), we developed a nationwide longitudinal survey, named the COVID Future survey (see the project website here).
The figure below shows a timeline of the full project. The dataset is included in our dataset page.
The survey asked information about commuting, long distance travel, working from home, online learning, online shopping, pandemic experiences, and attitudes toward risk, along with demographic information. The same respondents were contacted thrice in three waves. The survey data was cleaned and weighted to be nationally representative. The first wave has 9,265 responses, the second 2,877 responses, and the third 2,728 responses. A total of 1,933 respondents answered all three waves.
You can find more about the survey in this publication and this publication. The data itself has been used in numerous studies included in our publications page.
The survey data is publicly available on the ASU dataverse and can be downloaded here. It was funded by a U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) RAPID award.