GIS F2E – GIS Features to Edge List Tool (2D and 3D OSM version)
GIS F2E – GIS Features to Edge List Tool (2D and 3D OSM version) Heading link
The GIS Features to Edge List (GIS F2E) tool allows anyone who uses GIS data (i.e., shapefiles) to export a feature (e.g., polylines) as a network; whether you are working with streets, pipelines, electric wires or just about any interconnected linear features. We have three versions of GIS F2E: (1) ArcGIS, (2) python, (3) QGIS. The tools can be run in two ways. The first way is standard, and two lines crossing automatically create a node. The second way specifically processes openstreetmap (OSM) road data, and it accounts for bridges and tunnels, not to artificially create non-existing nodes and edges. Each version of the tool comes with a tutorial. The tools create two new GIS layers, one with all nodes and one with all edges, and the edge list is in .csv format. An edge list is a list of all links/edges in the network with start node ID, end node ID, and edge ID). The edge list can then be imported by any program, such as R or Python (e.g., using igraph or NetworkX), Gephi, or NodeXL (Excel Add-On) to name a few. We have applied the OSM model to 80 cities in the world, and the data can be directly downloaded here. For citation, please use Karduni, A., Kermanshah, A., Derrible, S., (2016) A protocol to convert spatial polyline data to network formats and applications to world urban road networks. Scientific Data, 3:160046, doi:10.1038/sdata.2016.46, available here. See our publication page for full details.
ArcGIS Heading link
version 2.10: Download |Tutorial | Publication | Tested with ArcGIS 10.7.1 | Uses arcpy (the Python code is not needed but supplied in the package for your information and is available here).
version 2.00: Download |Tutorial | Publication | Tested with ArcGIS 10.4 , 10.6 | Uses arcpy (the Python code is not needed but supplied in the package for your information and is available here).
version 1.10: Download |Tutorial | Publication | Tested with ArcGIS 10.3, 10.4 | Accounts for changes in openstreetmap data and makes graph undirected
version 1.00: Download |Tutorial | Publication | Tested with ArcGIS 10.3 , 10.4 |
Python Heading link
version 1.20: GitHub | Download | Tutorial | Publication tested for Python’s pandas library version 0.19.2
version 1.10: GitHub | Download | Tutorial | Publication tested for Python’s pandas library version 0.18.1
version 1.00: GitHub | Download | Tutorial | Publication tested for Python’s pandas library version 0.14.1
QGIS Heading link
version 1.20: GitHub | Download | Tutorial | Publication tested for Python’s pandas library version 0.19.2
version 1.10: GitHub | Download | Tutorial | Publication tested for Python’s pandas library version 0.18.1
version 1.00: GitHub | Download | Tutorial | Publication tested for Python’s pandas library version 0.14.1