Publications Heading link
Publishing, publishing, publishing. Here is a list of our publications relevant to CSUN, divided into five categories: featured publications, refereed publications, books, book chapters, theses, conference proceedings, book reviews, conference abstracts & technical reports, and press.
Featured Publications Heading link
Accordion Heading link
- Derrible, S., 2025, The Infrastructure Book: How Cities Work and Power our Lives, Prometheus Books, Essex, CT, 260 pages
- Derrible, S., & Chester, M., (Eds) 2020, Urban Infrastructure: Reflections for 2100, Independently published, 211 pages.
- Derrible, S., 2019, Urban Engineering for Sustainability, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 656 pages.
- Ha-Minh, C., Dao, D.V., Benboudjema, F., Derrible, S., Khoa, H.D.V., Tang, A.M., (Eds) 2019, CIGOS 2019 Innovation for Sustainable Infrastructure, Springer, Singapore, 1254 pages.
- Derrible, S., 2011 Metro Network Designs: Characteristics, Complexity, and impact on Ridership, Lambert Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany, 224 pages.
Refereed Publications
- Chauhan, R.S., Sutradhar, U., Rozhkov, A., & Derrible, S. “Causation versus Prediction: Comparing Causal Discovery and Inference with Artificial Neural Networks in Travel Mode Choice Modeling”, npj Sustainable Mobility and Transport, 2:5
- McNeil, S., Adey, B., Anastasopoulos, P.Ch., Chu, J.C., Derrible, S., Durango-Cohen, P., Francis, R., Kruschwitz, S., Labi, S., Li, J., Manuel, L., Cunha Marques, R., Reilly, A., Tesfamariam, S., & Sanford, K. 2025, “Journal of Infrastructure Systems: Thirty Years and an Opportunity to Refocus”, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 31(1): 01824001
- Acosta Sequeda, J., Mohammadi, M., Patipati, S., Mohammadian, A., & Derrible, S., 2024, “Estimating Telecommuting Rates in the USA Using Twitter Sentiment Analysis”, Data Science for Transportation, 6(3):28
- Peldon, D., Banihashemi, S., LeNguyen, K., & Derrible, S., 2024 “Navigating urban complexity: The transformative role of digital twins in smart city development”, Sustainable Cities and Society, 111:105583
- Becerra, M., Liang, J., Siciliano, M., Fusi, F., Miranda, F., Sambanis, A., Boda, P., Derrible, S., & Cailas, M., 2024 “Putting the Environment Back in “Environmental Justice”: A Dual Approach for Area Identification”, Environmental Justice, DOI: 10.1089/env.2023.0028
- Chauhan, R.S., Riis, C., Adhikari, S., Derrible, S., Zheleva, E., Choudhury, C., & Pereira, F., 2024 “Determining Causality in Travel Mode Choice”, Travel Behaviour and Society, 36:100789
- Mohammadi, M., Davatgari, A., Asgharpour, S., Shabanpour, R., Mohammadian, A., Derrible, S., Pendyala, R., & Salon, D., 2024 “The interaction between the recent evolution of working from home and online shopping”, Transportation, DOI: 1007/s11116-024-10506-4
- Wang, W., Zhou, Z., Derrible, S., Song, Y., & Lu, Z., 2024 “Deep Learning Analysis of Smart Meter Data from a Small Sample of Room Air Conditioners Facilitates Routine Assessment of their Operational Efficiency”, Energy and AI, 100338
- Cao, Y., Derrible, S., Le Pira, M., & Du H., 2024 “Advanced transport systems: the future is sustainable and technology-enabled”, Scientific Reports 14:9429.
- Banik, S., Balasubramanian, K., Manna, S., Derrible, S., & Sankaranarayananan, S., 2024 “Evaluating generalized feature importance via performance assessment of machine learning models for predicting elastic properties of materials”, Computational Materials Science, 236:112847
- Wu, M., Qi, C., Derrible, S., Choi, Y., Fourie, A., & Ok, Y.S., 2024 “Regional and global hotspots of arsenic contamination of topsoil identified by deep learning”, Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1):10
- Sutradhar, U., Spearing, L., & Derrible, S., 2024 “Depopulation and associated challenges for US cities by 2100”, Nature Cities, 1(1):51-61 (downloaded 73k+ times and featured in more than 100+ news articles)
- Jalloul, H., Choi, J., Manheim, D., Yesiller, N., & Derrible, S., 2024 “Incorporating Disaster Debris into Sustainable Construction Research and Practice”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 150(1): 02523001
- Rozkhov, A., Movahedi, A., & Derrible, S., 2023 “A machine learning framework to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on electricity consumption patterns”, Cities, 143:104639
- Acosta-Sequeda, J., Palani, H., Movahedi, A., Karatas, A., & Derrible, S., 2023 “Residential Electricity Consumption Patterns and their Relationship to Commute Times by Mode”, Findings, DOI:10.32866/001c.87940
- Boda, P., Fusi, F., Miranda, F., Palmer, G.J.M., Flax-Hatch, J., Siciliano, M., Sambanis, A., Johnson, L., Derrible, S., & Cailas, C. 2023 “Environmental Justice through Community-Policy Participatory Partnerships”, Journal of Environmental Protection, 14:616-636
- Sutradhar, U., Badhrudeen, M., Chauhan, R.S., & Derrible, S. 2023 “A Survey to Investigate Transport Conditions in Depopulating Cities in Illinois”, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 21:100886
- Palani, H., Acosta-Sequeda, J., Karatas, A., & Derrible, S., 2023 “The role of socio-demographic and economic characteristics on energy-related occupant behavior”, Journal of Building Engineering, 75: 106875
- Magassy, T.B., Batur, I., Mondal, A., Asmussen, K.E., Bhat, C.R., Salon, D., Bhagat-Conway, M., Javadinasr, M., Chauhan, R., Mohammadian, A., Derrible, S., & Pendyala, R., 2023 “Evolution of Mode Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States: Implications for the Future of Transit”, Transportation Research Record, DOI: 10.1177/03611981231166942, online first
- Acosta-Sequeda, J., & Derrible, S., 2023 “GTdownloader: A Python Package to Download, Visualize, and Export Georeferenced Tweets From the Twitter API”, Journal of Open Research Software, 11:7
- Mulrow, J., Bozeman III, J., Pai, S., Grubert, S., & Derrible, S., 2023 “Energy-Material Cycles: A materials-based perspective of vehicle energy systems”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 196:107039
- Jayasinghe, P.A., Derrible, S., & Kattan, L., 2023 “Interdependencies Between Urban Transport, Water, and Solid Waste Infrastructure Systems”, Infrastructures, 8(4):76
- Movahedi, A., Bahador Parsa, A., Rozhkov, A., Lee, D., Mohammadian, A., & Derrible, S., 2023 “Interrelationships between urban travel demand and electricity consumption: a deep learning approach”, Scientific Reports, 13(1): 6223
- Cats, O., Derrible, S., & Chow, J., 2023 “Special issue on “Reliability and resilience of emerging mobility systems”, an editorial note”, Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 11:1, 1092-1094
- Bozeman III, J., Chopra, S., James, P., Muhammad, S., Cai, H., Tong, K., Carrasquillo, M., Rickenbacker, H., Nock, D., Ashton, W., Heidrich, O., Derrible, S., & Bilec, M. 2023 “Three research priorities for just and sustainable urban systems: now is the time to refocus”, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 27(2):382-394
- Mohammadi, M., Rahimi, E., Davatgari, A., Javadinasr, M., Mohammadian, A., Bhagat-Conway, M.W., Salon, D., Derrible, S., Pendyala, R., & Khoeini. S., 2023 “Examining the Persistence of Telecommuting after the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Transportation Letters, 15(6):608-621
- Nafakh, A.J., Mohammadian, A., Derrible, S., Pendyala, R.M., & Salon, D., 2022 “Examining the Impacts of the Pandemic on Employment for Women”, Open Journal of Social Sciences, 10(13):318-334
- Nafakh, A.J., Mohammadian, A., Derrible, S., Pendyala, R.M., & Salon, D., 2022 “Examining the Impacts of the Pandemic on Work-from-Home for Individuals with Disabilities”, Open Journal of Social Sciences, 10(13):167-183
- Salon, D., Mirtich, L., Bhagat-Conway, M.W., Costello, A., Rahimi, E., Mohammadian, A., Chauhan, R.S., Derrible, S., da Silva Baker, D., Khoeini, S., & Pendyala, R.M., 2022 “The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Telecommuting in the United States”, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 112:103473
- Javadinasr, M., Magassy, T.B., Mohammadi, M., Mohammadian, A., Rahimi, E., Salon, D., Conway, M.W., Pendyala, R., & Derrible, S., 2022 “The Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 on Travel Behavior in the United States: A Panel Study on Work from Home, Mode Choice, Online Shopping, and Air Travel“, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 90:466-484
- Labi, S., Lee, H., & Derrible, S., 2022 “Smart Cities: Infrastructure, Air Quality, Disaster Response, and Data Management”, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 28(4):02022001
- Lapamonpinyo, P., Derrible, S., & Corman, F., 2022 “Real-Time Passenger Train Delay Prediction using Machine Learning: A Case Study with Amtrak Passenger Train Routes”, IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 3:539-550
- Chen, W., Cartensen, T., Wang, R., Derrible, S., Rueda, D., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., & Liu, G., 2022 “Historical patterns and sustainability implications of worldwide bicycle ownership and use”, Communications Earth & Environment, 3(1):171
- Li, Y., Mo, W., Derrible, S., & Lu, Z., 2022 “Integration of Multi-Objective Spatial Optimization and Data-driven Interpretation to Direct the City-wide Sustainable Promotion of Building-based Decentralized Water Technologies”, Water Research, 222: 118880
- Ngo, T.T.T., Pham, H.T., Acosta-Sequeda, J., & Derrible, S., 2022 “Predicting Bike-Sharing Demand Using Random Forest”, Journal of Science and Transport Technology, 2(2):13-21
- Badhrudeen, M., Boria, E., Fonteix, G., Derrible, S., & Siciliano, M., 2022 “The C2G Framework to Convert Infrastructure Data from Computer-Aided Design (CAD) to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)”, Informatics, 9(2):42
- Badhrudeen, M., Derrible, S., Verma, T., Kermanshah, A., & Furno, A. 2022 “A Geometric Classification of World Urban Road Networks”, Urban Science, 6(1):11
- Sindhusuta, Chi, S-W, & Derrible, S., 2022 “Text-mining based literature review of meshfree methods”, Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science, 28(4):265–290
- Jalloul, H., Choi, J., Yesiller, , Manheim, D., & Derrible, S., 2022 “A systematic approach to identify, characterize, and prioritize the data needs for quantitative sustainable disaster debris management”, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 180:106174
- Arora, M., Yeow, L.W., Cheah, L., & Derrible, S., 2022 “Assessing Water Circularity in Cities: Methodological Framework with a Case Study”, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 178:106042
- Taghipour, H., Parsa, A.B., Chauhan, R.S., Derrible, S., & Mohammadian, A., 2022 “A novel deep ensemble based approach to detect crashes using sequential traffic data”, IATSS Research, 46(1):122-129
- Asif, K., Zhang, L., Derrible, S., Indacochea, J.E., Ozevin, D., & Ziebart, B., 2022 “Machine learning model to predict welding quality using air-coupled acoustic emission and weld inputs”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 33(3):881–895
- Truong, T.M.T, Ly, H.-B., Lee, D., Pham, B.T., & Derrible, S., 2021 “Analyzing travel behavior in Hanoi using Support Vector Machine”, Transportation Planning and Technology, 44(8):843-859
- Jafari Gukeh, M., Moitra, S., Ibrahim, A.N., Derrible, S., & Megaridis, C.M., 2021 “Machine Learning Prediction of TiO2-Coating Wettability Tuned via UV Exposure”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(38): 46171-46179
- Chauhan, R.S., Conway, M.W., Capasso da Silva, D., Salon, D., Shamshiripour, A., Rahimi, E., Khoeini, S., Mohammadian, A., Derrible, S., & Pendyala, R., 2021 “A database of travel-related behaviors and attitudes before, during, and after COVID-19 in the United States”, Scientific Data, 8(1):245.
- Broesicke, O.A., Yan, J., Thomas, V., Grubert, E., Derrible, S., & Crittenden, J.C., 2021 “Combined Heat and Power May Conflict with Decarbonization Goals—Air Emissions of Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power versus Combined Heat and Power Systems for Commercial Buildings”, Environmental Science and Technology, 55(15):10645-10653
- Mirtich, L., Conway, M.W., Salon, D., Kedron, P., Derrible, S., Khoeini, S., Mohammadian, A., & Rahimi, E., “How stable are transport-related attitudes over time?”, Findings, DOI: 10.32866/001c.24556
- Salon, D., Conway, M.W., Capasso da Silva, D., Chauhan, R.S., Derrible, S., Mohammadian, A., Khoeini, S., Parker, N., Mirtich, L., Shamshiripour, A., Rahimi, E., & Pendyala, R., 2021 “The potential stickiness of pandemic-induced behavior changes in the United States”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 118(27): e2106499118
- Capasso da Silva, D., Khoeini, S., Salon, D., Conway, M.W., Chauhan, R.S., Pendyala, R., Shamshiripour, A., Rahimi, E., Magassy, T., Mohammadian, A., & Derrible, S., 2021, “How are Attitudes Toward COVID-19 Associated with Traveler Behavior During the Pandemic?”, Findings, DOI: 10.32866/001c.24389
- Chauhan, R.S., Capasso da Silva, D., Salon, D., Shamshiripour, A., Rahimi, E., Sutradhar, U., Khoeini, A., Mohammadian, A., Derrible, S. & Pendyala, R., 2021 “COVID-19 Related Attitudes and Risk Perceptions across Urban, Rural, and Suburban Areas in the United States”, Findings, DOI: 10.32866/001c.23714
- Derrible, S., Truong, T.T.M., Pham, H.T., & Nguyen, Q.H., 2021 “Learning from Hanoi to imagine the future of water distribution”, npj Urban Sustainability, 1(1):9
- Movahedi, A., & Derrible, S., 2021 “Interrelationships between electricity, gas, and water consumption in large-scale buildings”, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 25(4):932
- Seyrfar, A., Ataei, H., Movahedi, A., & Derrible, S., 2021 “Data-Driven Approach for Evaluating the Energy Efficiency in Multifamily Residential Buildings”, ASCE Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 26(2):04020074
- Balasubramani, B., Badhrudeen, M., Derrible, S., & Cruz, I., 2020 “Smart Data Management of Urban Infrastructure using Geographic Information Systems”, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 26(4):06020002
- Derrible, S., Chester, M., & Guikema, S., 2020 “Infrastructure Resilience to Climate Change”, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 26(2): 02020001
- Barua, L., Zou, B., Noruzoliaee, M., & Derrible, S., 2020 “A Gradient Boosting Machine Approach to Predicting Airport Runway and Taxiway Pavement Conditions”, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 22(13): 1673-1687
- Mulrow, J., & Derrible, S., 2020 “Is Slower More Sustainable? The Role of Speed in Achieving Environmental Goals”, Sustainable Cities and Society, 57:102030
- Dayeen, F.R., Sharma, A., & Derrible, S., 2020 “A Text Mining Analysis of the Climate Change Literature in Industrial Ecology“, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 24:276–284
- Parsa, A.B., Movahedi, A., Taghipour, H., Derrible, S., & Mohammadian, A., 2020 “Toward Safer Highways, Application of XGBoost and SHAP for Real-Time Accident Detection and Feature Analysis”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 136:105405
- Ly, H.-B., Le, L.M., Phi, L.V., Phan, V.-H., Tran, V.Q., Pham, B.T., Le, T.-T., & Derrible, S., 2019 “Development of an AI Model to Measure Traffic Air Pollution from Multisensor and Weather Data”, Sensors, 19:4941.
- Lee, D., & Derrible, S., 2019 “Predicting Residential Water Consumption: Modeling Techniques and Data Perspectives”, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 146(1): 04019067
- Mulrow, J., Derrible, S., & Samaras, C., 2019 “Sociotechnical convex hulls and the evolution of transportation activity: A method and application to US travel survey data”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 149:119789
- Lu, Z., Broesicke, O.A., Chang, M.E., Yan, J., Xu, M., Derrible, S., Mihelcic, J.R., Schwegler, B., & Crittenden, J.C., 2019 “Seven Approaches to Manage Complex Coupled Human and Natural Systems: A Sustainability Toolbox”, Environmental Science and Technology, 53(16):9341-9351
- Parsa, A.B., Taghipour, H., Derrible, S., & Mohammadian, A., 2019 “Real-Time Accident Detection: Coping with Imbalanced Data”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 129:202-210
- Lee, D., Mulrow, J., Haboucha, C.J., Derrible, S., & Shiftan, Y., 2019 “Attitudes on Autonomous Vehicle Adoption using Interpretable Gradient Boosting Machine”, Transportation Research Record, 2613(11):865-878
- Trabucco, J., Lee, D., Derrible, S., & Marai, G.E., 2019 “Visual Analysis of a Smart City’s Energy Consumption”, Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 3(2):30, 10.3390/mti3020030
- Mulrow, J., Machaj, K., Deanes, J., & Derrible, S., 2019 “The state of carbon footprint calculators: An evaluation of calculator design and user interaction features”, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 18:33-40
- Derrible, S., 2019 “An approach to designing sustainable urban infrastructure”, MRS Energy and Sustainability, 5(1):13
- Lee, D., Derrible, S., & Pereira, F., 2018 “Comparison of Four Types of Artificial Neural Networks and Multinomial Logit Model for Travel Mode Choice Modeling”, Transportation Research Record, 2672(49):101-112
- Wisetjindawat, W., Derrible, S., & Kermanshah, A., 2018 “Modeling the Effectiveness of Infrastructure and Travel Demand Management Measures to Improve Traffic Congestion During Typhoons”, Transportation Research Record, 2672(1):43-53
- Ahmad, N., & Derrible, S., 2018 “An information theory based robustness analysis of energy mix in US States”, Energy Policy, 120:167-174
- Ahmad, N., & Derrible, S., Managi, S., 2018 “A Network-Based Frequency Approach to Representing the Inclusive Wealth of World Countries”, Journal of Environmental Management, 218:348-354
- Chancé, E., Derrible, S., & Ashton, W., 2018 “The need to adapt emerging sustainability audits to atypical business models”, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 20(5): 1113-1118
- Golshani, N., Shabanpour, R., Mahmoudifard, S., Derrible, S., & Mohammadian, A., 2018 “Modeling Travel Mode and Timing Decisions: Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks and Copula-based Joint Model”, Travel Behaviour and Society, 10:21-32
- Chancé, E., Ashton, W., Mulrow, J., Norberto, J., Derrible, S., & Guilbert, S., 2018 “The Plant—An experiment in urban food sustainability”, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 37(1):82-90
- Kermanshah, A., Derrible, S., & Berkelhammer, M., 2017, “Using Climate Models to Estimate Urban Vulnerability to Flash Floods”, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 56(9):2637-2650
- Akbarzadeh, M., Memarmontazerin, S., Derrible, S., & Reihani. S., 2017, “The Role of Travel Demand and Network Centrality on the Connectivity and Resilience of an Urban Street System”, Transportation, 46:1127–1141
- Wisetjindawat, W., Kermanshah, A., Derrible, S., & Fujita, M., 2017 “Stochastic Modeling of Road System Performance to Multi-Hazard Events: Flash Floods and Earthquakes”, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 23(4):04017031
- Tennant, A., Ahmad, S., & Derrible, S., 2017 “Complexity Analysis in the Sport of Boxing”, Journal of Complex Networks, 5(6):953–963
- Mulrow, J., Derrible, S., Ashton, W., & Chopra, S., 2017, “Industrial Symbiosis at the Facility Scale”, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 21(3):559-571
- Shabanpour, R., Golshani, N., Derrible, S., Mohammadian, A., & Miralinaghi, M., 2017 “Joint Discrete-Continuous Model of Travel Mode and Departure Time Choices”, Transportation Research Record, 2669:41-51
- Peiravian, F., & Derrible, S., 2017 “Multi-Dimensional Geometric Complexity in Urban Transportation Systems”, Journal of Transport and Land Use, 10(1):589-625
- Ahmad, N., Derrible, S., & Cabezas, H., 2017 “Using Fisher information to assess stability in the performance of public transportation systems”, Royal Society Open Science, 4: 160920
- Wang, X., Koc, Y., Derrible, S., Ahmad, N., Pino, W., & Kooij, R., 2017 “Multi-Criteria Robustness Analysis of Metro Networks”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 474:19-31
- Derrible, S., 2017 “Complexity in Future Cities: The Rise of Networked Infrastructure”, International Journal of Urban Sciences, 21(sup1): 68-86
- Kermanshah, A., & Derrible, S., 2017 “Robustness of Road Systems to Extreme Flooding: Using Elements of GIS, Travel Demand, and Network Science”, Natural Hazards, 86(1):151-164
- Derrible, S., 2017 “Urban Infrastructure is not a Tree: Integrating and Decentralizing Urban Infrastructure Systems”, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 44 (3):553-569
- Ahmad, N., Derrible, S., Eason, T., & Cabezas, H., 2016 “Using Fisher Information to Track Stability in Multivariate Systems”, Royal Society Open Science, 3:160582
- Amini, B., Peiravian, F., Mojarradi, M. & Derrible, S. 2016 “Comparative Traffic Performance Analysis of Urban Transportation Network Structures”, Transportation Research Record, 2594:159-16
- Karduni, A., Kermanshah, A., & Derrible, S., 2016 “A protocol to convert spatial polyline data to network formats and applications to world urban road networks”, Scientific Data, 3:160046
- Kermanshah, A., & Derrible, S., 2016 “A Geographical and Multi-Criteria Vulnerability Assessment of Transportation Networks Against Extreme Earthquakes”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 153:39-49
- Mohareb, E., Derrible, S., & Peiravian, F., 2016 “Intersections of Jane Jacobs’ Conditions for Diversity and Low-Carbon Urban Systems: Global Look at Four Cities”, ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 142(2):05015004
- Derrible, S., & Ahmad, N., 2015 “Network-Based and Binless Frequency Analyses”, PLoS ONE, 10(11): e0142108
- Derrible, S., & Reeder, M., 2015 “The Cost of Over-Cooling Commercial Buildings in the United States”, Energy and Buildings, 108:304-306
- Dijkema, G., Xu, M., Derrible, S., & Lifset, R., 2015, “Complexity in Industrial Ecology: Models, Analysis, and Actions”, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19(2):189-194
- Ahmad, N. & Derrible, S., 2015 “Evolution of Water Consumption in the USA: A Network Approach”, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19(2):321-330
- Cottrill, C., & Derrible, S., 2015 “Leveraging Big Data for the Development of Transport Sustainability Indicators”, Journal of Urban Technology, 22(1):45-64
- Peiravian, F. & Derrible, S., Ijaz, F., 2014 “Development and Application of the Pedestrian Environment Index (PEI)”, Journal of Transport Geography, 39:73-84
- Derrible, S., 2012 “Reviewing and Assessing the Toronto Metro System”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 39(2):154-162
- Derrible, S., 2012 “Network Centrality of Metro Systems”, PLoS ONE, 7(7):e40575
- Derrible, S. & Kennedy, C., 2011 “Applications of Graph Theory and Network Science to Transit Network Design”, Transport Reviews: A Transnational Transdisciplinary Journal, 31(4):495-519
- Derrible, S., Saneinejad, S., Sugar, L. & Kennedy, C., 2010, “Macroscopic greenhouse-gases emissions model of urban transportation for municipalities”, Transportation Research Record, 2191:174-181
- Derrible, S. & Kennedy, C., 2010, “Evaluating, Comparing, and Improving Metro Networks: an application to the Toronto proposed plans”, Transportation Research Record, 2146:43-51
- Derrible, S. & Kennedy, C., 2010 “The Complexity and Robustness of Metro Networks“, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 389(17):3678-3691
- Derrible, S. & Kennedy, C., 2010 “Characterizing Metro Networks: State, Form, and Structure”, Transportation, 37(2):275-297
- Derrible, S. & Kennedy, C., 2009 “Network Analysis of Subway Systems in the World using Updated Graph Theory“, Transportation Research Record, 2112:17-25
Book Chapters
- Palani, H., Acosta-Sequeda, J., Derrible, S., & Karatas, A., 2023 “Predicting Energy Use Intensity of US Hotel Buildings Using CBECS Microdata”, in Proceedings of International Structural Engineering and Construction, vol.10, pp.1-6
- Lapamonpinyo, P., Ly, H.-B., & Derrible, S., 2022 “Passenger Train Delay Prediction Using Linear Regression and Ensemble Learning Methods with and Without Ridership and Population Data”, in CIGOS 2021, Emerging Technologies and Applications for Green Infrastructure, Springer, Singapore, pp.1875-1885
- Parvaneh, M., Seyrfar, A., Movahedi, A., Ataei, H., Le Nguyen, K., & Derrible, S., 2022 “Using Machine Learning: A Study on Energy Benchmarking Datasets of Selected Cities Across the United States”, in CIGOS 2021, Emerging Technologies and Applications for Green Infrastructure, Springer, Singapore, pp.197-205.
- Truong, T. T. M., & Derrible, S. (2021). “Assessing the Wider Economic Impacts of Transport Infrastructure Investment with an Illustrative Application to the North-South High-Speed Railway Project in Viet Nam” in Frontiers in High-Speed Rail Development, edited by Y. Hayashi, W. Rothengatter, & K. E. Seetha Ram, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo, Japan, pp.181–194.
- Kapousouz, E., Seyrfar, A., Derrible, S., & Ataei, H., 2021 “A Clustering Analysis of Energy and Water Consumption in U.S. states from 1985 to 2015” in Data Science Applied to Sustainability Analysis, edited by J. Dunn and P. Balaprakash, Elsevier Science, pp.81-107
- Derrible, S., Cheah, L., Arora, M., & Yeow, L.W., 2021 “Urban Metabolism” in Urban Informatics, edited by W. Shi, M.F. Goodchild, M. Batty, M-P Kwan, & A. Zhang, Springer, Singapore, pp.85-114
- Derrible, S., 2020 “Peace Day in Saint Pierre and Miquelon – July 14, 2100” in Urban Infrastructure: Reflections for 2100, edited by S. Derrible, & M. Chester, Independently published, pp.73-83
- Bozeman III, J., Mulrow, J., Derrible, S., & Theirs, T., 2020 “Urban Carbon Management Strategies” in Advances in Carbon Management Technologies: Volume 2, edited by Sikdar, S.K., & Princiotta, F., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp.229-250
- Badhrudeen, M., Naranjo, N., Movahedi, A., & Derrible, S., 2019 “Machine learning based tool for identifying errors in CAD to GIS converted data”, in CIGOS 2019 Innovation for Sustainable Infrastructure, Springer, Singapore, pp.1185-1190.
- Mohareb, E., Bristow, D., & Derrible, S., 2016 “Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in Developed World Cities”, in Handbook of Urbanization and Global Environmental Change, edited by Seto, K., Solecki, W., & Griffith, C., Routledge, London (UK), pp.377-405.
- Derrible, S., 2013 “Metros as Biological Systems: Complexity in Small Real-life Networks”, in Advances in Network Complexity, edited by Dehmer, M., Mowshowitz, A. & Emmert-Streib, F., Wiley-Blackwell, pp.259-285.
- Derrible, S., Saneinejad, S. & Kennedy, C., 2009 “Chapter 4: Transportation and Land-Use”, in Getting to Carbon Neutral: A Guide for Canadian Municipalities, edited by Kennedy, C., produced for the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Toronto, ON, pp.49-81.
- Kennedy, C., Bristow, D., Derrible, S., Mohareb, E., Saneinejad, S., Stupka, R., Sugar, L. & Zizzo, R., 2009 “Chapter 7: Comparison of Strategies”, in Getting to Carbon Neutral: A Guide for Canadian Municipalities, edited by Kennedy, C., produced for the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Toronto, ON, pp.123-145
- Kennedy, C., Bristow, D., Derrible, S., Mohareb, E., Saneinejad, S., Stupka, R., Sugar, L., Zizzo, R., & McIntyre, B., 2010 “Getting to Carbon Neutral: A Review of Best Practices in Infrastructure Strategy”, in Energy efficient cities: Assessment tools and benchmarking practices, edited by Bose, R.K., World Bank, Washington, DC, pp.165-184.
- Puengpapat, P., 2023. Hydrologic Performance of Green Infrastructure across Climate Regions, Master of Science, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
- Chauhan, R., 2023. From Correlation to Causation: Travel Behavior Modeling with Causal Discovery and Inference, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
- Salvador, I., 2023. Analysis of Urban Intersections Using Computer Vision and Machine Learning, Master of Science, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
- Movahedi, A., 2022. Interrelationships in Urban Infrastructure Use: Transport, Electricity, Water, and Gas, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
- Badhrudeen, M., 2022. Urban Intelligence: Tools and Models for Smart Cities, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
- Lapamonpinyo, P., 2022. Passenger Train Delay Prediction Using Machine Learning, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
- Mulrow, J., 2020. The Affluence-Technology Connection: Metrics, Analysis, and Implications for Sustainable Technology, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
- Tiwari, R., 2019. Stormwater Runoff Analysis of Low Impact Development Using Real Time Precipitation Data, Master of Science, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
- Lee, D., 2019. Machine-Based Statistical Learning of Urban Metabolism, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
- Maciver, S., 2018. Value Engineering Cities, Master of Science, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
- Ahmad, N., 2018. Tracking Energy and Resource Consumption for Sustainable and Resilient Development, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
- Delpazir, D., 2018. Modeling the Impact of Climate Change on Stormwater Infrastructure: Application to the Elmhurst, IL, Master of Science, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
- Kermanshah, A., 2017. A Geographic Analysis of the Resilience of Urban Infrastructure Networks to Extreme Events, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
- Mulrow, J., 2016. Facility-Scale Industrial Symbiosis: Integrating Small-Scale Production and the Circular Economy, Master of Science, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
- Ahmad, N., 2015. Evolution of Water Consumption in the USA: A Network Approach, Master of Science, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
- Peiravian, F., 2015. Geometric Complexity of Urban Road Networks, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
- Derrible, S., 2010. The Properties and Effects of Metro Network Designs. Doctor of Philosophy, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Conference Proceedings
- Sutradhar, U., Benavides Lara, M., & Derrible, S., 2024 “Who pays for the additional maintenance costs: per capita roadway length in response to the changing demographics in U.S. cities to 2050?”, TRB 103rd Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 7-11, Washington DC, United States
- Acosta-Sequeda, J., Mohammadi, M., Patipati, S., Mohammadian, A., & Derrible, S., 2024 “Improving Telecommuting Prevalence Estimates Using Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data”, TRB 103rd Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 7-11, Washington DC, United States
- Lee, D., Derrible, S., Pereira, F., & Rodrigues, F., 2024 “Alleviating Modeling Dilemmas in Choice Behaviors Using Probabilistic Graphical Modeling Framework”, TRB 103rd Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 7-11, Washington DC, United States
- Mohammadi, A., Mafi, S., Choobchian, P., Derrible, S., Soleimani, H., & Sriraj, P.S., 2023 “Studying Property Owners’ Decision-Making Process to Trade Land in Run-Down Areas with New, Accessible Apartments”, 64th Transportation Research Forum, Chicago, Illinois, April 27-28.
- Lapamonpinyo, P., Derrible, S., & Corman, F., 2023 “Enhancing Operational Resilience of Rail Transport Using Machine Learning”, TRB 102nd Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 8-12, Washington DC, United States
- Mulrow, J., Bozeman III, J., Pai, S., Grubert, E., & Derrible, S., 2023 “All Cars Run on Materials: Comparing Vehicle Energy Systems in a Post-Fossil Fuel World”, TRB 102nd Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 8-12, Washington DC, United States
- Mohammadi, M., Davatgari, A., Asgharpour, S., Shabanpour, R., Mohammadian, A., Derrible, S., Pendyala, R.M., & Salon, D., 2023 “The Interaction Between Recent Evolutions of Working from Home and Online Shopping”, TRB 102nd Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 8-12, Washington DC, United States
- Magassy, T., Batur, I., Mondal, A., Asmussen, K., Pendyala, R.M., Bhat, C., Salon, D., Bhagat-Conway, M., Javadinasr, M., Chauhan, R.S., Mohammadian, A., & Derrible, S., 2023 “Evolution of Mode Use Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States: Implications for the Future of Transit”, TRB 102nd Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 8-12, Washington DC, United States
- Dirks, A., Batur, I., Mondal, A., Magassy, T., Pendyala, R.M., Haddad, A., Bhat, C., Chen, C., Salon, D., Bhagat-Conway, M., Mohammadi, M., Chauhan, R.S., Mohammadian, A., & Derrible, S., 2023 “Access to Food in a Severe Prolonged Disruption: The Case of Grocery and Meal Shopping During the COVID-19 Pandemic”, TRB 102nd Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 8-12, Washington DC, United States
- Palani, H., Acosta, J.G., Karatas, A., Derrible, S., 2022 “Understanding the Interrelationship between Energy-Use Behavior and Socio-Demographic Profile”, ITISE 2022 (8th International conference on Time Series and Forecasting), June 27-30, Gran Canaria, Spain
- Jalloul, H., Choi, J., Derrible, S., & Yesiller, N., 2022 “Toward Sustainable Management of Disaster Debris: Three-Phase Post-Disaster Data Collection Planning”, Construction Research Congress 2022, American Society of Civil Engineers, March 7, Arlington, VA, United States
- Javadinasr, M., Magassy, T.B., Rahimi, E., Mohammadi, M., Davatgari, A., Mohammadian, A., Chauhan, R.S., Conway, M.W., Pendyala, R.M., Salon, D., Derrible, S., Khoeini, S., 2022 “Observed and Expected Impacts of COVID-19 on Travel Behavior in the United States: A Panel Study Analysis”, TRB 101st Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 9-13, Washington DC, United States
- Lapamonpinyo, P., Derrible, S., & Corman, F., 2021 “Passenger Train Delay Modeling with Weather Information using Machine Learning”, 8th INSTR International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability (INSTR), June 16-18, Online
- Seyrfar, A., Ataei, H., & Derrible, S., 2020, “A Review of Building Energy Benchmarking Policies Across the U.S. Cities”, Energy Proceedings, Volume 8, Applied Energy Symposium: MIT A+B, August 12-14, Cambridge, MA, United States
- Parsa, A.B., Chauhan, R.S., Taghipour, H., Derrible, S., & Mohammadian, A., 2020, “Applying Deep Learning to Detect Traffic Accidents in Real Time Using Spatiotemporal Sequential Data”, TRB 99th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 12-16, Washington DC, United States
- Lee, D., Mulrow, J., Haboucha, C.J., Derrible, S., & Shiftan, Y., 2019, “Attitudes on Autonomous Vehicle Adoption using Interpretable Gradient Boosting Machine”, TRB 98th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 13-17, Washington DC, United States
- Barua, L., Zou, B., Noruzoliaee, M., & Derrible, S., 2019, “Predicting Airport Runway and Taxiway Pavement Conditions: A Gradient Boosting Machine Approach”, TRB 98th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 13-17, Washington DC, United States
- Peiravian, F., Derrible, S., & 2019, “Manifestation of Coupled Geometric Complexity in Urban Road Networks”, TRB 98th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 13-17, Washington DC, United States
- Lee, D., Derrible, S., & Pereira, F., 2018 “Comparison of Four Types of Artificial Neural Networks and Multinomial Logit Model for Travel Mode Choice Modeling”, TRB 97th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 7-11, Washington DC, United States
- Wisetjindawat, W., Derrible, S., & Kermanshah, A., 2018 “Modeling the Effectiveness of Infrastructure and Travel Demand Management Measures to Improve Traffic Congestion During Typhoons”, TRB 97th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 7-11, Washington DC, United States
- Balasubramani, B., Belingheri, O., Boria, E., Cruz, I., Derrible, S., & Siciliano, M., 2017 “GUIDES – Geospatial Urban Infrastructure Data Engineering Solutions” (Demo Paper), Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGSPATIAL, International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, November 7-10, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Kermanshah, A., & Derrible, S., 2017 “An Evaluation of Transportation Network Robustness Against Extreme Flooding: A GIS-based Approach”, TRB 96th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 8-12, Washington DC, United States
- Golshani, N., Shabanpour, R., Mahmoudifard, S., Derrible, S., & Mohammadian, A., 2017 “Comparison of artificial neural networks and statistical copula-based joint models”, TRB 96th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 8-12, Washington DC, United States
- Shabanpour, R., Golshani, N., Derrible, S., Mohammadian, A., & Miralinaghi, M., 2017 “A cluster-based joint model of travel mode and departure time choices”, TRB 96th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 8-12, Washington DC, United States
- Peiravian, F., & Derrible, S., 2016 “Exploration of Geometric Complexity in Urban Road Networks”, TRB 95th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 10-14, Washington DC, United States
- Amini, B., Peiravian, F., Mojarradi, M. & Derrible, S., 2016 “Comparative Traffic Performance Analysis of Urban Transportation Network Structures”, TRB 95th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 10-14, Washington DC, United States
- Wang, X., Koç, Y., Derrible, S., Ahmad, N. & Kooij, R.E., 2015 “Quantifying the Robustness of Metro Networks”, 6th INSTR – The Value of Reliability, Robustness and Resilience, International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability, August 2-3, Nara, Japan
- Kermanshah, A., & Derrible, S., 2015 “A GIS Method For Measuring Road System Resilience to Extreme Events”, 6th INSTR – The Value of Reliability, Robustness and Resilience, International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability, August 2-3, Nara, Japan
- Peiravian, F., de Lapparent, M. & Derrible, S., 2015 “Transportation Networks, People, and Buildings: Characterization of Urban System Components”, TRB 94th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 11-15, Washington DC, United States
- Peiravian F., Kermanshah A., Derrible, S., & Andris, C., 2014, “Spatial Data Analysis of Complex Urban Systems”, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, October 27-30, Washington DC, United States
- Kermanshah, A., Karduni, A., Peiravian, F., & Derrible, S., 2014 “Impact Analysis of Extreme Events on Flows in Spatial Networks”, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, October 27-30, Washington DC, United States
- Peiravian, F. & Derrible, S., 2014 “Complete Streets Designs: A Comparative Emission Impact Analysis”, TRB 93rd Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 12-16, Washington DC, United States
- Cottrill, C. & Derrible, S., 2013 “Leveraging Big Data for the Development of Transport Sustainability Indicators”, World Conference on Transport Research, July 15-18, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Derrible, S. & Cottrill, C., 2013 “How new Technologies can contribute to measuring Sustainable Mobility”, TRB 92nd Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 13-17, Washington DC, United States
- Derrible, S., 2012 “Using Network Centrality to Determine Key Transfer Stations in Public Transportation Systems”, TRB 91st Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 22-26, Washington DC, United States
- Derrible, S., 2011 “The Toronto Metro: History, Demand, and Performance”, TRB 90th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 23-27, Washington DC, United States
- Derrible, S. & Farooq, B., 2010 “The Four Outcomes of Transit and Land-Use”, CTRF 45th Annual Conference, Canadian Transportation Research Forum, May 30 – June 02, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Derrible, S.& Kennedy, C., 2010 “Evaluating, Comparing, and Improving Metro Networks: an application to the Toronto plans”, TRB 89th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 10-14, Washington DC, United States
- Derrible, S., Saneinejad, S., Sugar, L. & Kennedy, C., 2010 “Macroscopic Greenhouse-gases emissions model of urban transportation for municipalities”, TRB 89th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 10-14, Washington DC, United States
- Derrible, S. & Kennedy, C., 2009 “Comparing the GTA Transit Plan to major transit networks in the World using Graph Theory concepts”, TRANSLOG 1st Annual International Conference, June 17-18, Hamilton, ON, Canada
- Derrible, S. & Kennedy, C., 2009 “A Network Analysis of Subway Systems in the World using Updated Graph Theory”, TRB 88th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 11-15, Washington DC, United States
- Derrible, S., Kennedy, C., Miller, E. & Roorda, M., 2008 “Light Rail Transit in Toronto: Underground or Above-ground”. Proceedings, Annual Conference – Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 4:2649-2658
Book Reviews
- Derrible, S., 2022 “Sustainable Infrastructure for Cities and Societies, by Michael Neuman, New York and Oxford, Routledge, 2022”, Journal of Urban Affairs, online, DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2023.2167787
- Derrible, S., 2017 “Marc Barthelemy, The structure and dynamics of cities: Urban data analysis and theoretical modeling”, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 45(3):585-586.
- Derrible, S., 2016, “Street smart”, Science, 354(6310):293-293
- Derrible, S., 2015, “Inside the mind of an engineer”, Science, 349(6247):484-484
- Derrible, S., 2015 “Smart Transport Networks: Market Structure, Sustainability and Decision Making, T. Vanoutrive, A. Verhetsel (Eds.)”, Journal of Transport Geography, 44(0):91
- Derrible, S., 2015, “Seeing the forest for the trees”, Science, 347(6229):1426-1426
- Derrible, S., 2015 “The New Science of Cities, Michael Batty”, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19(2):333-334
- Good, M., & Derrible, S., 2013 “Book Review: Triumph of the City, Edward Glaeser”, Journal of Transport and Land Use, 6(3):87-89
Conference Abstracts, Workshops, & Technical Reports
- Sutradhar, U., & Derrible, S., 2024, “Burden or Blessing! Quantifying Infrastructure in the Chicago Metropolitan Area”, Transport Chicago, June 14, Chicago, IL, United States.
- Li, Y., Mo, W., Derrible, S., & Lu, Z., 2023 “Spatial Optimization and Interpretation of Citywide Sustainable Promotion of Building-based Decentralized Water Technologies”, ASCE EWRI Congress, May 21-24, Henderson, NV, United States
- Haas, N.A., Zigulich, M., & Derrible, S., 2022, “Overdesigned & Underperforming: Assessing the Performance of Green Stormwater Infrastructure Using Soil Moisture Probes”, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2022, December 11-15, Chicago, IL, United States
- Sutradhar, U., Haas, N.A., Zigulich, M., & Derrible, S., 2022, “Investigating the Impacts of Depopulation and Climate Change on Water Infrastructure: A Study of Northeastern Illinois”, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2022, December 11-15, Chicago, IL, United States
- Derrible, S., 2022 “Environmental Justice as a process twin: A major challenge and the new frontier”, Workshop on Smart Cities Digital Twin, 2nd Annual International Conference on Digital Twins and Parallel Intelligence, October 26-28, Boston, MA, United States
- Li, Y., Mo, W., Derrible, S., & Lu, Z., 2022 “Spatial optimization and interpretation of citywide sustainable promotion of building-based decentralized water”, 2022 International Conference on Resource Sustainability (icRS 2022), August 1-4, online
- Derrible, S., 2021 “Revisiting Urban Water Distribution in the Twenty-First Century”, Actionable Science for Urban Sustainability (AScUS) 2021, June 1-4, online
- Mohammadian, A., & Derrible, S., 2021 “How Have Attitudes and Perceptions Affected People’s Work and Travel Behaviors in a COVID Era?”, The Future of Travel in a Post-COVID-19 Pandemic World Workshop, TRB 100th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, January 5-29, Washington DC, United States (online)
- Chauhan, R., & Derrible, S., 2020 “Travel Mode Choice During and After the Pandemic”, Webcast on Initial Results from the COVIDFUTURE Longitudinal Survey Study, Arizona State University, November 19, Tempe, AZ, United States (online)
- Haas, N, & Derrible, S., 2020 “Set it and Forget It: Why the Slow Cooker Approach to Engineering Design and Maintenance is Incompatible with Climate Change and Resiliency”, Actionable Science for Urban Sustainability (AScUS) 2020, June 3-5, Segovia, Spain (online)
- Movahedi, A, & Derrible, S., 2020 “Identifying spatial patterns and profiles of electricity consumption in Chicago to develop tailored and actionable energy reduction policies”, Actionable Science for Urban Sustainability (AScUS) 2020, June 3-5, Segovia, Spain (online)
- Derrible, S., 2019, “Digital Twinning Mobility”, NSF SUS–Smart City Digital Twin Workshop, Georgia Institute of Technology, September 16, Atlanta, GA, United States
- Derrible, S., 2019, “Past, Present, and Future Engineering Issues of Canal Systems Through Three Case Studies”, Proceedings of the Planning and developing embankment of Saigon River and an urban river-canal network and solutions to basically embank the Saigon River and the urban river-canal network by year 2025, September 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Derrible, S., Yesiller, N., & Choi, J., 2019 “Workshop on Post-Disaster Materials and Environmental Management”, National Science Foundation, Alexandria, VA, United States
- Movahedi, A, Lee, D, Badhrudeen, M, & Derrible, S., 2019 “Building Energy Modeling: Investigating Patterns of Electricity, Gas, and Water Consumption in Large-Scale Buildings using Machine Learning”, 10th International Conference in Industrial Ecology, International Society for Industrial Ecology, July 7-11, Beijing, China
- Mulrow, J., Bozeman III, J., Pai, S., & Derrible, S., 2019 “All Cars Run on Renewables: Tracing Solar and Manufactured Energy Flow through the Fuel Cycle”, 10th International Conference in Industrial Ecology, International Society for Industrial Ecology, July 7-11, Beijing, China
- Derrible, S., Contributor to Research Column of Informs’ Decision Analysis Today May 2018, 37(1):22-24
- Nazari F., Mohammadian A., & Derrible S., 2018 “Interactions between Energy/Water consumption and travel decisions in activity-based framework” 15th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR), July 18, Santa Barbra, CA, United States
- Deanes, J., Machaj, K., Mulrow, J., & Derrible, S., 2017 “Know Your Carbon Footprint: Calculator Comparison and Preference Survey”, Joint 9th International Conference in Industrial Ecology – 25th International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, International Society for Industrial Ecology, June 25-29, Chicago, IL, United States
- Ahmad, N., & Derrible, S., 2017 “Application of Information Theory to Detect Changes in The Evolution of Fossil and Non-Fossil Fuel Consumption in The United States”, Joint 9th International Conference in Industrial Ecology – 25th International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, International Society for Industrial Ecology, June 25-29, Chicago, IL, United States
- Cairo, P., Klawitter, D., Lee, D., & Derrible, S., 2017 “Decision Tree Analysis of Residential Water Use in the United States”, Joint 9th International Conference in Industrial Ecology – 25th International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, International Society for Industrial Ecology, June 25-29, Chicago, IL, United States
- Lee, D., & Derrible, S., 2017 “Comparison of Mode Choice Behavior using Four Types of Artificial Neural Networks”, Transport Chicago 2017, June 9, Chicago, IL, United States
- Mulrow, J., Derrible, S., Ashton, W., & Chopra, S., 2016 “Determining the Requirements for Building-Scale Industrial Symbiosis”, ISSST 2016, International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 16-18, Phoenix, AZ, United States
- Ahmad, N., & Derrible, S., 2016 “A Network-Based Approach to Track Social, Economic, and Environmental Trends in World Countries”, ISSST 2016, International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 16-18, Phoenix, AZ, United States
- Ahmad, N., & Derrible, S., 2015 “Analyzing Multivariate Time Series Data using a Network-Based Approach”, Network Frontier Workshop 2015, December 6-7, Evanston, IL, United States
- Kermanshah, A, Ahmad, N., Berkelhammer, M., & Derrible, S., 2015 “Resilience in Complex Systems: A GIS Analysis of Extreme Events Impact on Infrastructure Networks”, 8th International Conference in Industrial Ecology, International Society for Industrial Ecology, July 7-10, Surrey, United Kingdom
- Reeder, M., & Derrible, S., 2015 “Estimating Electricity Waste in Commercial Buildings Due to Over-Cooling in the US”, 8th International Conference in Industrial Ecology, International Society for Industrial Ecology, July 7-10, Surrey, United Kingdom
- Derrible, S., Ahmad, N., & Theis, T., 2015 “Capturing the Sustainability of Urban Systems using Fisher Information: Application to Public Transport”, 8th International Conference in Industrial Ecology, International Society for Industrial Ecology, July 7-10, Surrey, United Kingdom
- Ahmad, N., Derrible, S., & Kermanshah, A., 2015 “Towards Sustainable Development: A Network Approach”, 8th International Conference in Industrial Ecology, International Society for Industrial Ecology, July 7-10, Surrey, United Kingdom
- Kermanshah, A., & Derrible, S., 2015 “Using Climate Models to Assess the Resilience of Roads to Extreme Events”, ISSST 2015, International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 18-20, Dearborn, MI, United States
- Derrible, S., Ahmad, N., & Theis, T., 2015 “Using Fisher Information to Measure the Sustainability of Urban Systems”, ISSST 2015, International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May 18-20, Dearborn, MI, United States
- Reeder, M., & Derrible, S., 2015 “Estimating Electricity Waste in Commercial Buildings due to Over-Cooling in the United States”, UIC Student Research Forum, April 2, Chicago, IL, United States
- Peiravian, F., & Derrible, S., Peiravian, F., 2014 “Empowering Students with Knowledge and Knowhow on Sustainability”, AASHE Annual Conference, Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), October 26-29, Portland, OR, United States
- Ahmad, N., & Derrible, S., 2014 “Evolution of Water Consumption in the USA: A Network Approach”, Illinois Water 2014, October 14-15, Urbana, IL, United States
- Kermanshah, A., Peiravian, F., Ahmad, N., & Derrible, S., 2014 “Investigating Transportation Network Resilience to Extreme Events”, NetSci 2014 International School and Conference on Network Science, June 2-6, Berkeley, CA, United States
- Ahmad, N., Kermanshah, A., Peiravian, F., & Derrible, S., 2014 “Network Science: A Potential Tool for Analyzing Water Consumption in the USA”, NetSci 2014 International School and Conference on Network Science, June 2-6, Berkeley, CA, United States
- Peiravian, F., Ahmad, N., Kermanshah, A. & Derrible, S., 2014 “Questioning Box-Counting Method as a Tool for Fractal Characterization of Physical Networks”, NetSci 2014 International School and Conference on Network Science, June 2-6, Berkeley, CA, United States
- Peiravian, F., & Derrible, S., 2013 “Adopting a Fractal Approach to study the Complexity of Urban Systems”, 7th International Conference in Industrial Ecology, International Society for Industrial Ecology, June 25-28, Ulsan, South Korea
- Derrible, S. & Mohareb, E., 2013 “Can Jane Jacobs’ principles be applied in the developing world for successful and green urban economies”, 7th International Conference in Industrial Ecology, International Society for Industrial Ecology, June 25-28, Ulsan, South Korea
- Peiravian, F., & Derrible, S., 2013 “Spatial analysis of urban systems: A fractal approach”, Spatial Statistics 2013, June 4-7, Columbus, OH, United States
- Derrible, S., Diao, M., Zegras, C., Ferreira, J., Ben-Akiva,M., & Xiang, Y., 2012 “Real Estate Modeling in Singapore”, Future Urban Mobility Symposium 2012, National University of Singapore, January 11-12, Singapore
- Derrible, S., 2010 “Greenhouse-Gas Emissions of Commercial Vehicles in Municipalities: adding Freight Transportation to MUNTAG”, report to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Kennedy, C., Bristow, D., Derrible, S., Mohareb, E., Rulff, D., Saneinejad, S., Stupka, R., Sugar, L., Zizzo, R. & McIntyre., B., 2010 “Getting to carbon neutral: a guide for cities”. International Conference on Urbanization and Global Environmental Change, Urbanization and Global Environmental Change (UGEC) – an IHDP Core Project, October 15-17, Tempe, AZ, United States
- Sugar L., Kennedy C., Bristow, Derrible S., Mohareb E., Saneinejad S., Stupka R., Sugar L., Zizzo R., & McIntyre B., 2010 “Getting to Carbon Neutral and Improving Climate Change Resilience in Cities”. First World Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change, May 28-30, Bonn, Germany
- Derrible, S. & Kennedy, C., 2009 “How Complex are Subway Networks”, 5th International Conference in Industrial Ecology, International Society for Industrial Ecology, June 21-24, Lisbon, Portugal
- Derrible, S. & Kennedy, C., 2009 “How does network size affect the energy use of subway systems”, 5th International Conference in Industrial Ecology, International Society for Industrial Ecology, June 21-24, Lisbon, Portugal
- Derrible, S. & Kennedy, C., 2009 “Energy Use of Subway Networks in the Sustainability era”, CORS-INFORMS 2009 International Meeting, Canadian Operational Research Society, June 14-17, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- The Planning Commission Podcast, 2024, “Demographics, Growth, and Modern Planning Models with Dr. Sybil Derrible” by Chris Danley, Don Kostelec, and Sabrina Minshall (March 18)
- The Measure of Everyday Life (podcast), 2024, “Depopulation and the Future of Cities” by Brian Southwell (March 6)
- Fox Baltimore, 2024, “As residents leave, Baltimore named among top 15 shrinking U.S. cities” by Amy Simpson (January 30)
- UIC News, 2024, “Depopulation’s impact on infrastructure” by David Staudacher (January 24)
- ScienceAlert, 2024, “Thousands of US Cities Could Verge on Becoming Ghost Towns by 2100, Study Finds” by Clare Watson (January 16)
- Scientific American, 2024, “Thousands of U.S. Cities Could Become Virtual Ghost Towns by 2100” by Rachel Nuwer (January 11)
- CME News, 2023, “Sybil Derrible vows to make the world better” by David Staudacher (July 6)
- UIC News, 2023, “Sybil Derrible awarded Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize” by David Staudacher (April 7)
- The Conversation, 2021, “Time for the UK to say goodbye to drive-throughs: for the sake of our environment, our health – and our culture” by Eugene Mohareb and Sybil Derrible (February 14)
- The Conversation, 2021, “Smashed cars, burnt trees, soggy insulation: Post-disaster cleanup is expensive, time-consuming and wasteful” by Sybil Derrible, Nazli Yesiller, and Juyeong Choi (December 11), updated and republished from 2019 article
- The Conversation, 2021, “Tornades aux États-Unis : le casse-tête du nettoyage post-catastrophe” by Sybil Derrible, Nazli Yesiller, and Juyeong Choi (December 13), translated from December 11, 2021 article
- The Center Square, 2021, “Pandemic transportation habits could linger in Illinois, across nation” by Scot Bertram (June 5)
- The Conversation, 2019, “Millions of burnt trees and rusted cars: Post-disaster cleanup is expensive, time-consuming and wasteful” by Sybil Derrible, Nazli Yesiller, and Juyeong Choi (December 10)
- CME News, 2019, “Professor Sybil Derrible leads workshop on post disaster cleanup“ by David Staudacher (July 24)
- UIC News, 2019 “Making city infrastructure more resilient” by Sharon Parmet (January 10)
- CME Alumni Newsletter – Spring 2018, 2018, “Professor Derrible Featured at TEDx Talk“ by David Staudacher (July 24)
- UIC News, 2017, “Campus Conversation tackles complexity of climate change” by Hoda Fakhari (November 9)
- De Volkskrant, 2017, “Er hoeft maar dít te gebeuren en het hele metronet ligt stil”, by Francien Bossema (June 28)
- CME Alumni Newsletter – Spring 2016, 2016, “Derrible Researching the Development of Sustainable Communities” by David Staudacher (April 25)
- SPM 1ère, 2016, “Journal: Edition du Matin” by Patrick Caillet (April 21)
- UIC News, 2016, “Engineering faculty members receive NSF CAREER Awards” by Bill Burton (March 29)
- UIC News, 2015, “Re-thinking design to build sustainable cities” by Gary Wisby (June 16)
- SPM 1ère, 2013 “Ça vous regarde est à Chicago” by Claire Arrossaména (November 28)
- GlobalEd 2, 2013 Podcast on “Infrastructure, Sustainability, and Water Management” by Jeremy Riel (October 17)
- Metropolitan Planning Council, 2013 “Tough Stuff: Resilient Infrastructure in a Changing World” by MPC (May 15). Find video here
- Institute for Environmental Science and Policy, 2012 Fall 2012 Newsletter by IESP
- txchnologist, 2011 “The Lonely Podcar: Who Will Take a Chance on Personal Transit?” by Christopher Mims
- planningpool, 2010 “CTRF 2010: Linking land use and transit” by Christine Allum